Getting back to my blog…
I have really missed sitting at my desk on the weekends to write these blogs. There is a story about Warren Buffet and his pilot, where the pilot asked Warren…
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Intentional and tactical end of year practices for you
Many of my coaching clients have asked me, over the last few weeks, to share best practices for closing a year, and setting intentions and goals for the new year….
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How An Art Class Taught Me About Coping With Crisis
In an intro to art class I took several years ago (more like a couple of decades ago!), the professor in the class announced that we would be using the…
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Why telling people to take care of themselves is not working…
Most of us know, intellectually, that we have to take care of ourselves. We know that drinking more water than coffee is good for us; we know that exercising is…
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Your Thoughts and Coronavirus
In a Native American mythological story, a 13-year-old boy is getting ready to embark on an important journey called a vision quest. A vision quest is both a test and…
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Welcome 2020. Thank you 2019.
As I sit at my desk at home to write this blog, I feel tears slowly fogging my eyes, and my throat closing down. I cannot stop crying. What is…
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Strong Connections Give Birth to a Strong Culture
Our connection to another person, or team, is only as real as the depth of our freedom within that relationship. And, I don’t mean freedom in the sense of being…
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The Truth About Mindfulness
The holidays were really rough for me this year. Being a single mom has made me ever more aware of how lonely the holidays can be without family around. Although…
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Leadership Skills Essentials: Vision
There is real skill in being able to visualize a future that is not the default future. This talent has been coined different names: visualization, mental imagery, and even reality distortion field (in the case…
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Leadership Skills Essentials: Generosity
I picked up a book called Never Eat Alone, by Keith Ferrazzi, wanting some tips on growing my network and doing so effectively. The book was great, and not surprisingly,…
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Leadership Skills Essentials: Story-Telling
Stories connect us emotionally, and great leaders understand this well. What does this really mean? Let’s imagine, for example, that you have a group of employees working on a tight project…
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Leadership skills essentials: High AQ
In a study described in The New Psycho Cybernetics book by Dr Maxwell Maltz, it was found that a common quality of all successful leaders at high level positions is…
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Your Rite of Passage vs. New Year’s Resolutions
In a traditional rite of passage you find three stages that, in anthropological terms, have been coined separation, liminality and incorporation. In a complete rite of passage one walks through…
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What are you loyal to?
Last month I asked you, to tell me if you were free. I explained in the October blog that there are many shades of freedom and that one of these shades…
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Are you free?
Before you jump in and say: ‘yes, of course I am free,’ I think it is worth looking at the word freedom with a little more care. Freedom at its…
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Asking great questions: the power of purposeful living
Last month I was helping my parents with their new business venture, and I started out by asking them a few questions: Who are your clients? Where are they? Can…
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Special, 40th Birthday Blog
As I turn 40 this week…I recall the most recent defining moment of my life, and the inevitable gifts it bears.. My most recent journey into healing started on the…
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Two scars, two defining moments
A few years ago I got a phone call from my dermatologist to let me know that a mole, on the left side of my torso, was found to be melanoma…
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Achieving a ten in your well-being scale: five practices
One of my mentors once taught me that our well-being can be measured on a scale. The scale goes from a negative 10 to a positive 10. Zero, being right…
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Small Shifts, Big Changes
You may have heard this, that small shifts in our thinking today, can and will lead to big changes in our lives in the future. The way we think about…
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Self-love? What is that?
Yesterday I went to the gym. I do not get to the gym often these days as I am choosing to spend as much time as possible with my daughter,…
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Are you a manager or a leader?
Not everyone was born to lead, and not everyone was born to manage. I drew some key distinctions below, and noted key skills of each. Which one are you?…
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What does stage fright have to do with MONEY?
You would think that asking a client to pay an outstanding invoice is primarily a struggle to those with less confidence or new to the position where doing so is expected. However, I have…
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No time to meditate? Laugh instead!
I am so glad it is 2017 and I get to create a brand new year of beauty. I started out the new year by setting a solid work schedule….
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Dealing with what’s inside
At this time of the year most of us are looking to the future, building our hopes up that in 2017 we will get in shape, save some more money,…
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Segregation and freedom: please share your story
I am a Jewish Brazilian legal american resident. I come from a long lineage of extremely hard working, strong survivors from Eastern Europe. My dad flee communist Hungary with his parents…
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Three keys to keep you confidence UP
The dictionary definition of confidence is “a feeling of self-assurance arising from one’s appreciation of one’s own abilities or qualities.” Confidence is a trust not just in others, or something…
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How we reject success
A few years ago I came across a great book by the psychologist Gay Hendricks, The Big Leap. In that book, Hendricks makes a strong case that all of us…
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Words, behaviors and actions
Leadership is not simply a set of skills, otherwise the thousands of available books on the topic would be doing a better job at creating better, stronger, more inspiring leaders in the…
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Women in leadership
I had the unique opportunity to coach a group of talented female leaders through my three months leadership training, a few years back. In the same organization, I was then given the…
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Creating time
Last month was my first time missing my own deadline to post a monthly blog since starting my coaching business! When I started my company Cinco Consulting Solutions, I not…
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How companies lose talent
Without a doubt, the No 1 area of concern I encounter in architectural and engineering firms of any size is their inability to retain great talent. And, that that it is a concern should be…
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Rocking job interviews: here is how
Whether you are terrified of job interviews, or not, getting properly ready to navigate this process can save you a lot of headache. I see the interview process as a two-way…
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What is confidence anyway?
The Webster definition of confidence is a feeling or belief that you can do something well or succeed at something. In other words, shaping our belief around our ability to achieve future…
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Welcoming a new life
It is incredible what bringing a new life into the world represents: responsibility, unconditional love, nurturing, exhaustion, worry, excitement, joy. I can actually go on and on about my experiences…
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Gratitude Practices
On Thanksgiving Day, my partner his mom, and I, 33 weeks pregnant, got in the car to drive out to the valley for a family dinner. It was 1 pm…
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Public Speaking Terror – Three Tricks to Overcome It
Fear of public speaking is a predominant concern even among leaders. During one on one session, leaders voice their tremendous fear of public speaking, often thinking they are the only ones who experience…
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The fine line between surrender and drive
In the book The Rise of Superman, author Steven Kotler explains how adventure sports’ rock stars are able to defy the limits of human potential at a much higher rate than…
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What you want and what you need
As children we were often asked: what do you want to be when you grow up? Kids are expected to say cute things as their imagination run wild with an uncensored wish…
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How do you measure success?
This may be an answer you have pondered upon before. Am I successful? If so, why? What are my metrics? If you have asked yourself this question, you are likely to…
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Five Keys to Innovation
Innovation is an important aspect of work performance. Even in the most mundane of jobs, having an innovative work force can dramatically improve efficiency, not to mention, improve the overall work…
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What Lies Beneath Our Actions
I was invited to present to a few key principals and associate principals at a successful architectural office in Los Angeles this past week. The primary intent of the presentation…
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How Yoga May Influence Viewing Preferences for Content
How Yoga May Influence Viewing Preferences for Step-Sibling Adult Content: A Psychological and Physical Perspective Yoga has well-documented benefits for mental and emotional health. Practicing yoga consistently can lead to…
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If an old friend called you, and you hadn’t spoken to that friend for a very long time, there is a chance that you may hear the voice and not…
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